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Contact Information

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Billing Address

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Payment Information

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Additional Information

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Increase My Impact

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' + '' + '' + '' + '';var successHtml387072 = '\u003cscript\u003ewindow.location.replace(\'\')\u003c/script\u003e';( function($) {if (Bloomerang.useDonationId('387072')) { Bloomerang.useProcessor('20480', 'Spreedly', 'OqOMv1ksjPtXEYHtCYsVXzEpCbR'); } else { html387072 = '

Only one donation or event registration form can be used on each page.

'; }if (jQuery('#bloomerangForm387072').length) { if (window.ActiveXObject) { // they are using IE < 11, which doesn't support TLS 1.1 html387072 = '

Your browser does not support the minimum security requirements for keeping your Credit Card information safe when processing payments. Please upgrade your browser or download the latest version of' + ' Chrome or Firefox.

'; } jQuery('#bloomerangForm387072').after(html387072); if (!Bloomerang.SpreedlyScriptLoaded) { Bloomerang.Util.load('', function() { return SpreedlyExpress != undefined; }, function() { SpreedlyExpress.onInit(function() { jQuery('#express-submit').attr('disabled', false); }); Bloomerang.initSpreedly = function() { SpreedlyExpress.init('OqOMv1ksjPtXEYHtCYsVXzEpCbR', { 'company_name': 'St Croix Animal Welfare Center' }); }; Bloomerang.initSpreedly(); }); } Bloomerang.SpreedlyScriptLoaded = true; Bloomerang.Util.IsPayPalVenmoEnabled = false; jQuery("#donation-form .recurring-paypal-venmo-label-info").remove(); jQuery("#paypal-button-container").remove(); jQuery("#donation-form .PayPalVenmo").remove(); jQuery("#donation-form .DebitCard").remove(); }; if (Bloomerang.paymentFormLoaded) { return false; } Bloomerang.paymentFormLoaded = true; window.captchaLoadCallback = function() { Bloomerang.gRecaptchaLoaded = true; }; Bloomerang.Util.load('', function() { return Bloomerang.gRecaptchaLoaded; }, function() { jQuery('.section.captcha').removeAttr('style'); jQuery('form.donation-form').data('captcha-id', grecaptcha.render('captcha387072', { 'sitekey' : '6LdCgR4pAAAAAFM2Vi_uKnfFYqbQ7IxzPSN8QS8o' })); }, true, true); Bloomerang.transactionFee = 0.29; Bloomerang.transactionFeeRate = 0.0349; Bloomerang.transactionFeeEft = 0.8; Bloomerang.transactionFeeRateEft = 0.01; Bloomerang.transactionFeePayPal = 0.49; Bloomerang.transactionFeeRatePayPal = 0.032; Bloomerang.useKey('pub_af0f2b9d-8507-11ee-ac2e-020f7e086fd5'); Bloomerang.Util.getDonationAmount = function() { return Number(accounting.unformat(jQuery(".donation-form .section.donation input[name='donation-level']:checked").val() || jQuery(".donation-form #donation-amount").val())); }; // Register proper callbacks for various stages/outcomes of submission Bloomerang.Widget.Donation.OnSubmit = function (args) { jQuery(".btn-submit-donation").val("Donating...").prop("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); var val = function (selector) { return jQuery(selector).val(); }; var country = val(".donation-form #country"); var state = Bloomerang.Util.getCorrectState(country, val(".donation-form #state"), val(".donation-form #province")); var zipCode = Bloomerang.Util.getCorrectZipCode(country, val(".donation-form #zip-code"), val(".donation-form #postal-code")); Bloomerang.Account .individual() .firstName(val(".donation-form #first-name")) .middleName(val(".donation-form #middle-name")) .lastName(val(".donation-form #last-name")) .homeAddress(val(".donation-form #street-address"), val(".donation-form #city"), state, zipCode, country) .homeEmail(val(".donation-form #email-address")) .homePhone(val(".donation-form #phone-number")) .applyDonationCustomFields(); if (jQuery(".donation-form #consent-all").prop("checked")) { Bloomerang.Account.optedInStatus(jQuery(".donation-form #consent-email").prop("checked"), jQuery(".donation-form #consent-mail").prop("checked"), jQuery(".donation-form #consent-phone").prop("checked")); } var amount = Bloomerang.Util.getDonationAmount() + Bloomerang.Util.getDonationTrueImpactAmount(); if (jQuery(".donation-form #recurring").prop("checked")) { Bloomerang.RecurringDonation .amount(amount) .fundId(val(".donation-form #fund")) .note(val(".donation-form #comment")) .frequency(val(".donation-form #frequency") || "Monthly") .startDate(val(".donation-form #start-date")) .applyDonationCustomFields(); // Need to do a null-check here because they might have a cached version of Bloomerang-v2.js if (Bloomerang.RecurringDonation.trueImpactEnabled && Bloomerang.RecurringDonation.trueImpactUsed) { Bloomerang.RecurringDonation .trueImpactEnabled(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact .fee-amount").length > 0) .trueImpactUsed(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact input:checked").length > 0); } } else { Bloomerang.Donation .amount(amount) .fundId(val(".donation-form #fund")) .note(val(".donation-form #comment")) .applyDonationCustomFields(); // Need to do a null-check here because they might have a cached version of Bloomerang-v2.js if (Bloomerang.Donation.trueImpactEnabled && Bloomerang.Donation.trueImpactUsed) { Bloomerang.Donation .trueImpactEnabled(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact .fee-amount").length > 0) .trueImpactUsed(jQuery(".donation-form .true-impact input:checked").length > 0); } } if (jQuery("#donation-form #Checking").is(":checked") || jQuery("#donation-form #Savings").is(":checked")) { Bloomerang.Eft .accountNumber(val(".donation-form #accountNumber")) .routingNumber(val(".donation-form #routingNumber")) .type(jQuery("#donation-form .section.payment input[type='radio']:checked").attr("id")); } else if (jQuery("#PayPalVenmo").is(":checked")) { Bloomerang.Donation .type(jQuery("#donation-form .section.payment input[type='radio']:checked").attr("id")); } }; Bloomerang.ValidateDonationFormCaptcha = function() { if (typeof(grecaptcha) !== "undefined" && jQuery("#captcha" + Bloomerang.Data.WidgetIds.Donation).children().length) { var captchaResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse(jQuery(".donation-form").data("captcha-id")); if (captchaResponse) { jQuery(".donation-form .noCaptchaResponseError").hide(); Bloomerang.captchaResponse(captchaResponse); return true; } else { jQuery(".donation-form .noCaptchaResponseError").show(); return false; } } else return true; }; Bloomerang.scrollToElement = function(element) { var distance = 100; var offset = element.offset().top; var offsetTop = offset > distance ? offset - distance : offset; jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop : offsetTop}, 500); }; Bloomerang.Api.OnSuccess = Bloomerang.Widget.Donation.OnSuccess = function (response) { jQuery("#donation-processing-container").hide(); var formContainer = jQuery("#donation-form-container");; formContainer.html(successHtml387072); Bloomerang.scrollToElement(formContainer); }; Bloomerang.Api.OnError = Bloomerang.Widget.Donation.OnError = function (response) { jQuery(".btn-submit-donation").prop("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); Bloomerang.Util.updateDonateButtonText(); jQuery("#donation-form-container .errors").removeClass("hidden").html(response.Message); jQuery("#donation-processing-container").hide(); jQuery("#donation-form-container").show(); Bloomerang.scrollToElement(jQuery("#donation-form-container .errors")); Bloomerang.cancelFinancialSubmission(jQuery("#donation-form")); if (typeof(SpreedlyExpress) !== 'undefined') { SpreedlyExpress.unload(); Bloomerang.initSpreedly(); } if (typeof(grecaptcha) !== "undefined" && jQuery("#captcha" + Bloomerang.Data.WidgetIds.Donation).children().length) { grecaptcha.reset(jQuery(".donation-form").data("captcha-id")); } }; Bloomerang.Util.applyDonationCustomFields = function (obj, type) { // Clear any fields from a previous failed submission obj.clearCustomFields(); // Apply all (not multiselect),